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> Fitch’s credit ratings do not directly address any risk other than credit risk.

> ESG: ... These scores reflect the high weight that ESG has in Fitch's proprietary Sovereign Rating Model. ... https://www.fitchratings.com/topics/esg

I'm sure you're trying to say something, but until you spell it out, we're left to guess.

If what you'd like to say is that you think credit risk and ESG aren't related, well, Fitch disagrees.

And rightfully so. Lack of ethics impact credit risk, because it means more graft. Lack of governance impacts credit risk, because it's harder to know where money even went, or to ensure it's well spent. Lack of sustainability means the concern won't exist at some point, which, well, pretty large risk if your credit happens to be long running.

It's somewhat hard to service debt underwater.

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