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It is a not solely a two party game with the only outcome a win. It's connected to the economic health of the entire country and likely the rest of the world. Businesses make plans based on future expectations; when Congressional idiot posturing creates uncertainty, this requires planning for volatility, which imposes a cost on every transaction, lending rate, and plan.

The incentive is showing up here. Lose a little rating, it's harder to rotate national debt, and suddenly the ~10% of the budget used to service the debt balloons to 50% as borrowing rates increase. This would be a catastrophe.

That is the "game" being played.

The reason the public isn't outraged is because they don't understand these connections

The game congressmen are playing is getting re-elected. They don't care about

> the economic health of the entire country and likely the rest of the world

Our political system in the US is set up in such a way that those who acquire political power are going to spend as much time and effort as possible keeping it or acquiring more power. Any improvement that comes is secondary compared to getting re-elected

It's demonstrably wrong to put all Congress people into such a simplistic bucket. Plenty of people on both sides understand the economic issues and act accordingly. The belief that all politicians are the simpletons you describe leads to current bad outcomes, and continuing to spread it only deepens the divide.

This basic principle is true in any political system, from communist one party states to corporate ladders.

The more specific problem is that the incentives aren’t aligned, because voters aren’t capable of seeing the relevant causes and effects. When the only thing voters react to is immediate economic conditions, of course politicians fight tooth and nail for more spending when they are in power and cuts when they are not.

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