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Then it sounds like AI.

Stable Diffusion isn't a familiar term outside a very niche audience. Probably over 50% of the earth's population is familiar with checking 'USD' exchange rates.

As an outsider, OpenSD sounds more like a disk format than anything to do with AI.

This isn't something regular people care about though.

People working in computer graphics absolutely know what stable diffusion is.

I would also that at least a third of the US adult population doesn't know that USD is the abbreviation for symbol for US dollars. The average American never travels internationally.

Maybe regular americans. Africans, Europeans, Asians, Pacific peoples and Antipodeans however...

The tech we buy is often USD-denominated and exchange risk is something we all deal with constantly for basic purchases, in business and personal life.

> at least a third of the US adult population doesn't know that USD is the abbreviation for symbol for US dollars

If we're just gonna make up statistics...

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