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OpenUSD sounds like something bitcoin-related. The USD acronym is so known for being for US Dollars, why would they want to overload it...

Pixar has been using USD for years, OpenUSD is the rebranding of it as an open format.

> Universal Scene Description (OpenUSD) is an extensible framework and ecosystem for describing, composing, simulating, and collaborating within 3D worlds. Originally developed by Pixar Animation Studios, USD, also referred to as OpenUSD, is more than a file format. It’s an open-source 3D scene description used for 3D content creation and interchange among different tools. [1]

[1] https://developer.nvidia.com/usd

I also thought this was crypto related and felt it was odd Adobe, Pixar, and Autodesk were involved.

Yeah at first I thought it was some kind of store payment crypto they were introducing.

As someone in and out of the USD ecosystem for years (starting around 2014 or so), this comment is especially hilaruous.

Maybe this is the new anti-crypto meta - we proactively take away the best acronyms that the crypto community would want to use.

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