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A lot of science takes a mind-numbing amount of time at the lab desk. Something like 40 hours a week just dedicated to picking apart fruit flies with tweezers under a microscope is pretty common. I think I read somewhere that with MatSci, mortars and pestles and blisters are involved. It would be a lot of recording that would have to happen, and then you have to record every setting on every instrument you touch. How do we know that that's actually that reagent in that bottle? Yeah this just doesn't hold up for actual science. It's not something you can just take a Zoom recording of.

> mortars and pestles and blisters are involved

Can confirm from my life prior to working with computers.

“Is this mortar and pestle actually clean?”

“How much grinding is the right amount?”

“Is the window open or closed?”

“Did someone fuck with the settings on this machine since I last used it?”

And so on…

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