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The problem IMHO is funding related. Often enough the original lab's grant is barely enough to account for the research and a shoddily put together paper, the rest is filled with a crapload of un(der)paid/"voluntold" labour.

It's rare for researchers to get the budget to replicate someone else's work - this case might be one of the few exceptions given that everyone and their dog want to be the first one to show the world a successful replication. Hell, there are Youtube and Tiktok streamers on the task as well, that way you know just how nuts everyone is going.

Even in well funded fields, nobody wants to give away easy follow-on publications to other labs.

Oh, you want to document things well enough that people can build on your work and give you citations eventually. But if you've just demonstrated a groundbreaking technique for Foo and the obvious next step is to test it on Bar, you've got an opportunity to get your lab two papers instead of one, and all you have to do is less documentation?

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