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> Difference between machine learning and AI:

> If it is written in Python, it's probably machine learning

> If it is written in PowerPoint, it's probably AI

(source: https://twitter.com/matvelloso/status/1065778379612282885, 2018)

When speaking in public, using the phrase "AI" is unavoidable. I tried hard to use terms like "statistical models", "machine learning", "deep learning" (or its concrete instance), but it is not what the general audience understands or cares about.

But when thinking about "AI", I recommend thinking about other phrases without the word "intelligence" or any of its synonyms (https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/WBdvyyHLdxZSAMmoz/taboo-your...). That way, you refrain from using ill-defined terms with many definitions, meanings, and connotations.

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