What do you think about Jon Blow's comment* on the (eventual) collapse of web programming roles? Is it happening right now in the US? The reason why I ask this is because I have seen many developers here express difficulty in finding jobs. Could we be in an early stage of a market contraction related to web development roles?
[*] https://youtu.be/yodWEPgn8NA
Specifically why does web programming get easier but game programming does not? Why wouldn’t all programming get gradually easier.
In any case I do think you do yourself a disservice if you can’t pivot to a different part of software. When I graduated college 20 years ago the trend was monolithic Java or C++ apps. There was no Stackoverflow. There was barely a functioning web search engine. AI was rule based. Deep learning wasn’t readily used, nor was machine learning. JavaScript was barely used.
If you’re not constantly thinking about your skills investment and direction, you could be left behind.