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I’m not vegan so it’s none of my business, but: Sure! if you’re not eating processed foods, and you don’t want to spend hours a day cooking, everyone needs supplements.

Don’t forget that our salt and our flour and our milk and — “raw ingredients” — are supplemented by default with micros the standard diet is deficient in.

If the standard diet was vegan, there’d be taurine in the lentils and we’d be saying a meat-and-dairy diet is impossible without “supplements”.

Which kinds of food are supplemented by default varies from country to country.

While table salt is supplemented by default with iodine almost everywhere, flour and milk are supplemented by default only in a few countries and I consider that this is a very good thing and that they should not have been supplemented by default anywhere.

This forced supplementation is stupid, because it will not achieve an appropriate daily intake, except for a few people who happen to eat a certain amount of floor and milk, while for all the others it will be either too much or too little.

The right way to help the poor is to subsidize the price of vitamins and essential minerals, not to waste them by adding them to a certain kind of food, so that everyone who eats something else will not get them.

And the argument that the government should supplement some food ingredients because people have become too stupid to eat what they should, is even more ridiculous. Even supposing that modern people have become more helpless than their ancestors, so they would not be able to identify or catch anything edible when left alone in a forest, that does not mean that they should not be able to at least have the survival skill of buying the right food from a supermarket.

If it is believed that most people are not capable even of doing that, then they should be educated instead of hoping that the solution is that the state should feed them with food ingredients whose composition they no longer understand.

There certainly are few things more important for any human to know, than how to choose what to eat, in order to not die and to remain healthy.

Okay! I’m not here to tell anyone what to eat, so all I can say is I don’t have an opinion on that.

Do you have any source on that?

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