Gosh, that is such a bad part of town. I accidentally drove through the tenderloin last night making my way back from a restaurant, a few blocks away from that building. Tents. I saw prostitutes talking to people in those tents. Open drug dealing, open drug usage. It's probably good not to let a billionaire flaunt the rules, but if the city is spending energy on something, how about cleaning up the streets? I mean literally there's trash everywhere - I think picking up the literal paper and rubbage on the sidewalks would go a long way to showing how we would like to treat and respect our streets.
I don't think you did. You're setting up a hyperbole to create a context in which the city is somehow more concerned about Elon than anything else. Prostitutes, drug dealing, hookers, man oh man you hit them all, didn't you?
It's still the government's duty to ensure a private company doesn't put up a large metal structure that will fall and crush people walking below. Are you trying to suggest that's an OK risk and instead the city should be picking up loose papers?