You shouldn't have to do that. Sure, customer support costs a lot of money if done properly but so does executive compensation. Customer support is usually the lowest paid and suffers the most abuse, but because of the decades of skimming from the top customers (and support) lose out.
Google just had a net income for the quarter of $18B. Why do we accept the tepid to non-existent support of these companies? How much support does $1B cover?
Depends where the support is and what level it is. With enterprise level support, not as far as you would think.
'Cheap' support is typically terrible to the point of being worse than a chatbot, generally due to the terrible pay and conditions. As support engineers get good they generally move to higher paying jobs leaving a dead sea effect at the lower pay scales.
Google just had a net income for the quarter of $18B. Why do we accept the tepid to non-existent support of these companies? How much support does $1B cover?