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Despite not being of Australian origin, I can understand how one could interpret his initial remarks as being tinged with sarcasm. In my personal analysis, however, I found his comments to be injected with a considerable amount of wit and humor.

as a non-australian but native English speaker, I found the video annoying because it's padded and the jokes/sarcasm weren't really all that funny. If you trim out his YouTube-OverReactions, I think the video goes down to like 1.5 minutes in my mind and still conveys the same information, perhaps even better.

I get probably this is a popular video maker in whatever sphere he's in, but as an outsider, it's difficult to get into the video because of what I attribute as the presenter's YouTube personality.

(also it very much so bugs me to see people using Chrome and see all the nags for notifications, the random extensions/features, etc. And any browser without uBlock origin throws me as it takes me a minute to realize why all the websites look so bad, but that's just a personal issue :) )

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