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I find it hard to believe that they don't profit on their products at least a bit. Certainly there are some they don't get a profit on, but it wasn't like I was in there just buying a cheap tv and walking out... I was buying regular stuff.

> I find it hard to believe that they don’t profit on their products at least a bit.

Basically, they don’t. Over recent years, membership fees have accounted for, from what I can find, a low of 80% to a high of 110% of their net income, usually sitting right around 100%, and that’s not an accident, its their well-documented deliberate business model.

Selling stuff covers the costs associated with being able to sell the stuff, membership fees are what provides profit.

Someone above mentions: "Costco has a markup cap of 15%"

Is this true for the obnoxiously expensive ($10k+ in many cases) liquor cabinets they keep?

They sell some items at a loss.

Its their model. Its discussed in TFA too.

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