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lol California would disagree. I am amazed at how much is being built here. I wouldn't be surprised if Seattle is the fastest building urban metro area in the US. I still think WA has a libertarian streak (hence no income tax) that moves things along.

WA does but Seattle does not. Worse, the one big city / region we have completely swamps the rest of the state politically so our "leaders" only ever get leftier and don't have a moderating influence from the other side.

It's worse in OR to the south (Portland)...it's so out of balance there that 11 rural counties voted to secede and join their eastern neighbor Idaho.

Why does there need to be a balance? Wyoming is considered the most Republican state. Do people there talk about there needing to be more balance?

Because in both cases, there comes a point where the majority should not be able to trample on the minority, be they PacNW Republicans/conservatives or Wyoming Democrats/liberals.

Having 50.01 percent of the vote in either direction should get you strong influence with boundaries, not carte blanche to do whatever you want. The American system is deliberately designed so progressively bigger changes to the status quo require progressively bigger majorities, and certain options are completely off the table.

And this is for good reason. If you and I vehemently disagree, we should still be able to live as neighbors as long as neither of us is trying to violate the other's rights or force our views on the other.

what people? no one lives there

This is a hypothetical, speaking as if Wyoming actually existed.

california does indeed have it's own special brand of Process

it is truly amazing that san francisco, which would be one of the largest cities in the world if its growth weren't checked by its idiotic politics, remains the underdeveloped relative backwater that it is

and of course the high speed rail project, probably the most important transport megaproject in US history (by virtue of the influence its legacy it will have on the rest of the country), has been so spectacularly mismanaged through a combination of corruption and the California Process such that if i ever does reach the termini, political compromises made during its design will cripple both HSR and caltrain's operations and increase the journey time to no longer be competitive with airlines. in all likelihood the legacy will be the palatial viaducts built in literal cornfields that serve no purpose other than to enrich contractors (see: hanford viaduct)

>I wouldn't be surprised if Seattle is the fastest building urban metro area in the US.

It's tied for fastest building Democrat MSA along Minneapolis. (6.5 permits per capita). SF is at 3.4. Orlando is at 11.


There we go.

Are you kidding me? Washington's "libertarian streak" is long-dead and buried.

Whether you think it's a good thing or a bad thing, at this point, Seattle is basically San Francisco's insecure younger sibling and Washington is basically California Lite. As an example, since you brought up income tax, there is now a state capital gains tax, which the state Supreme Court cleverly danced around and called an "excise tax." Again, whether you think it's a good thing or a bad thing, Washington is every bit as much a single-party deep blue state as California now, and it's marching lockstep in the same direction as every other single-party deep blue state.

It is one of the lowest tax burdened places in the whole country.

Seattle elected a right wing DA because the Dems ran a too progressive candidate, the mayor is a middle-of-the-road dem…

I think maybe you take the loud voices in Cap Hill and extrapolate a bit too much.

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