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Any one of those are things they might do, quickly and easily and with little practice. All of them, or even half?

They're not doing them. Any of them. If someone made such extraordinary claims, reasonable people would require extraordinary evidence.

I've provided quite a bit of corroboration to the idea that they're not doing any of it. Sure, my case is circumstantial, but I think that's permissible outside of a criminal courtroom, where the accusation is "non-crime, doing it like everyone else" without so much as the hint of slander.

You're all nuts. Nothing said on HN outside of a very narrow focus of technology should ever be taken for granted.

I think it's pretty likely most of the things you mention are frozen, now that I'm skimming your comment. It's really long.

Have you worked in a commercial kitchen? I thought it was pretty tough but quite rewarding to make big portions of tasty food.

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