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I disagree with this, and I do feel like a lot of the dislike for The Cheesecake Factory is just snobbery, having been guilty of it myself in the past (e.g. the sibling comment "This restaurant and the Elephant bar will forever remind me of her: aggressively middle class with aspirations of upper class experience without really knowing what that is.") That said, I certainly can understand why it's not everyone's cup of tea and why they wouldn't like it.

The one thing I can't understand is the "overpriced" comment. Recently went with a fairly large group and was pretty shocked how low the total price per person was. Granted, a lot of that was because with the famously large portions a few folks shared, but it was still a better value than the vast majority of other places.

It's not snobbery. My partner, who is from another country, asked me why people like Cheesecake Factory so much.

She says Dairy Queen food is better lol

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