This is because your still able to access all the benefits of globalization. You probably have things like cheaper property prices and access to all the latest tech.
You're basically leaching off goods and services provided by those in high growth areas.
I think the idea is we might reach a point where globalization itself is hard to maintain and then things start to unwind, dramatically fast.
> You're basically leaching off goods and services provided by those in high growth areas.
Exactly. Extolling the virtues of low population growth because it enables a higher quality of life is misguided. Your life is higher quality because billions in China are toiling away in inhuman conditions, making goods for you, and unable to move to your location.
People in China are also experiencing immense economical growth.
Eventually they will indeed run out of people willing to do lower level jobs in the factories, then economic growth can move somewhere else. Bangladesh, Africa, Philippines perhaps?
Then we observe these countries whose population subset is actually able to move to a different, richer location (such as Maghreb countries) and we see apparent lack of serious economic growth, industry development and general instability.
Isn't it great? Nixon was a goddamn genius. Too bad that free ride is winding down, I hope some other mass of people assume that role so I can continue to enjoy myself.
Before you yell at me consider that China lifted an unprecedented amount of people out of even more inhumane conditions as a result of this process.
You're basically leaching off goods and services provided by those in high growth areas.
I think the idea is we might reach a point where globalization itself is hard to maintain and then things start to unwind, dramatically fast.