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In the UK, the AVPA - age verification providers association (members include Experian) have been super active on the Online Safety Bill. Curious to know if there's a US involvement , too.

The media seems to have missed this - then again, these laws are their opportunity to stick the boot into Tech, and usually have carve outs and special treatment under these laws, so they're not especially incentivised to rock the boat here.

It's a very good point, I haven't seen a lot of discussion of the role of Experian et al in KOSA.

In the US, it seems like it's mostly being driven by "child-safety" orgs, some of whom are well-intentioned but just don't understand the downsides, some of whom are anti-LGBTQ and appreciate the downsides. But others may well be active behind the scenes.

Really, Experian ? That should give everyone the warm and fuzzies /s

I am sure they are involved in the US with this. In anycase, it is legal for Companies in the US to donate (bribe) anonymously, so I am sure it is not documented anywhere. There has been many attempts to make that illegal, but no luck so far.

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