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I'm a bit confused - you subscribe to one developer, and then get the benefit of being subscribed to all?

What's the incentive for a developer to sign up to this then, if they don't get a share of your subscription when you use their service? Isn't this a bit like asking Disney+ to give all Netflix subscribers access with no compensation?

The difference this is supposed to make is that currently most people don't pay for free software. I don't for example. That is because I don't need to. This system is supposed to make more people pay, which should mean that all developers get more money. Giving access to someone who subscribes to someone else is part of what makes this work and if the developers can accept that, they should all benefit from it.

But I don't get any $ from it unless they sign up on MY site, right? Since there's no sharing mechanism.

So I don't see how joining in would benefit me - if anything I'd lose a bit of revenue from people who would have paid and now find they don't need to because they're signed up for some other product which I have no hand in and no revenue from?

> But I don't get any $ from it unless they sign up on MY site, right? Since there's no sharing mechanism.


> So I don't see how joining in would benefit me - if anything I'd lose a bit of revenue from people who would have paid and now find they don't need to because they're signed up for some other product which I have no hand in and no revenue from?

It would not benefit you if the average person paid for multiple free software projects. In that case, they would only have to pay for one instead of multiple.

I don't think that's the case though, so this solution should make more people pay for free software and that should benefit the developers on average.

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