> Your kids will be excluded from a lot of conversations and events.
Raising your children is the most important thing anybody does in their life. It's not something you do alone, but there is a hierarchy on who should have the most say in raising your children. The hierarchy is something like this:
1. The parents
2. Close family
3. Other parents in the community (if you have such community)
4. Close friends of the parents
5. Tutors, coaches and teachers
6. Responsible and respected adults in the community
7. Any adult
8. Any teenager
9. Criminal gangs
10. Television and Hollywood
11. Silicon Valley companies
12. Government workers
Now, if a child gets excluded from not having a smart phone, it seems that everybody above number 11 are somewhat or blatantly neglecting their duties. Get together with other parents and start taking control back from number 11 in raising your children.
Where does the child fall on this hierarchy... do they get any input in what technology they derive value/enjoyment from, or is that entirely dictated by adults in their community who grew up 20+ years ago?
I think my point is pretty clear: you listed a whole hierarchy of people who you think should have control over your child's behavior (with you at position #1), and haven't given any answer for where you think a child's own decision-making should fit in
Did you miss my original question?
> Do they get any input in what technology they derive value/enjoyment from, or is that entirely dictated by adults in their community who grew up 20+ years ago?
Instead of focusing on your own point, look at the answer I gave you. You seem to make up an image in your mind that I'm disregarding the child's own personality, when I haven't even touched on that aspect. Fight a real battle instead of an imaginary battle.
You literally didn't give me one, what on earth are you talking about.
> You seem to make up an image in your mind that I'm disregarding the child's own personality
I don't know where you're getting that I've 'made an image up in my mind'.... I asked you a question about how you weighted your child's input / freedom when it comes to technology, and you've done nothing but deflect lmao. I'm not "fighting a battle"... I asked a straightforward question that has still received no answer.
I can't tell if I'm talking to a human or a chatbot at this point.
Raising your children is the most important thing anybody does in their life. It's not something you do alone, but there is a hierarchy on who should have the most say in raising your children. The hierarchy is something like this:
1. The parents
2. Close family
3. Other parents in the community (if you have such community)
4. Close friends of the parents
5. Tutors, coaches and teachers
6. Responsible and respected adults in the community
7. Any adult
8. Any teenager
9. Criminal gangs
10. Television and Hollywood
11. Silicon Valley companies
12. Government workers
Now, if a child gets excluded from not having a smart phone, it seems that everybody above number 11 are somewhat or blatantly neglecting their duties. Get together with other parents and start taking control back from number 11 in raising your children.