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There does need to be some way for ordinary users to pay something to somewhere in a single convenient way, voluntarily and in voluntary amounts, that somehow ends up being pooled and distributed to or otherwise benefitting all the 37,000 developers and projects whos free work they use all day every day.

This isn't it.

I donate a little to the EFF, monthly automatic, and a few other things irregularly as I feel particular gratitude. It leaves a million people unaccounted for, but all you can do today is pick a few things that matter to you and let others get the others.

And/or pay back/forward by contributing a little work of your own to the commons which I also do, but you can't expect most to do that, and I don't claim mine is valuable. Actually come to think of that, the reason I work on the things I work on is mostly because I just want to, so maybe most of those million are fine and there's no problem. But come to me with any kind of demand, well, I guess that's when paying enters the chat.

This is compatible with that.

One such service that distributes payments could sell subscriptions in this system. That's one of the ideas I have had all the time with this project but I guess I forgot to write down; payment distributers should be one of those you can subscribe to.

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