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"The market" is just a set of order books. I don't find it weird that technical analysis work some times in some markets.

Fully systematic traders exist and make money. Efficient Markets Theory says they shouldn't, but they do anyway. EMH is probably written under stricter/ideal conditions though.

If one wants to take a systematic/technical analysis approach though, I would look at the entire universe of stocks, whereas use a fundamental approach in individual stocks.

But yeah. I'm just an amature. What do I know.

> Fully systematic traders exist and make money. Efficient Markets Theory says they shouldn't, but they do anyway.

The post you are responding to already answered this question.

Here is the answer: "it would, like most other techniques that can actually generate sustainable alpha, be a closely guarded secret"

So, to answer the question, the important stuff in the trading strategies that you mentioned, include information asymmetry. Those systemic traders have hidden information, and hidden strategies that they use, and they don't just given everyone open source access to their code.

They make money because growth. Any strategy that is not based on information asymmetry or unique clever use of information makes less than the market on average.

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