I have to say, the incongruity between your accomplishments and your website [1] is mindboggling. You have listed on your resume, as one of your accomplishments, that you built the tools necessary to manage 1B pageviews/month with a single sysadmin... and your home page is 32 lines of html. Not sure I've seen such a disconnect between skills and presentation since Knuth's homepage. [2]
I don't have a lot of time to update my homepage, so it's basic. It's way down on the bottom of my todo list to update it at some point but honestly those links will tell you far more about me than anything I could write about myself.
It's a sorta-kinda complement, in a roundabout way. Were you just some random with a homepage, I would dismiss you as not being worth my attention. Knowing, however, the amount of work you'd put into keeping reddit up under some pretty unfavorable circumstances, you've been filed under "dudes with crazy skills and shitty homepages".
It's a small file with some interesting names in it.
Edit: At the moment, it's pretty much just you and Knuth.