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I frankly don't understand how it's good. UUID originally was intended as something you use very sparingly, to name, say, a product SKU maybe, an organization, something like that. Not literally content that collides commonly at the same nanosecond, in the same application, in the same platform/org.

At some point we have to question the sanity of using one single flat address space for everything from the tiniest identifier to the... well, "Universe", as if it makes sense.

We can have registrars for global ids, and we can nest local ids inside them, we can have a hierarchy, and we can have local compact ids, 32, 64 or 128 bit, which will never collide, and be locally cohesive.

So why aren't we doing this? Is it ignorance? Is it because magic is easier than actually figuring out the synchronization and order of things in a system like this (and no, synchronization does NOT imply you need to issue ids strictly linearly).

Honestly I'm at a loss of words.

> We can have registrars for global ids, and we can nest local ids inside them, we can have a hierarchy, and we can have local compact ids, 32, 64 or 128 bit, which will never collide, and be locally cohesive.

We have this. It's called OID (Object Identifier) and is used in X.509, LDAP, SNMP, and many other technologies. A global registry exists (I have an entry) and it's a giant tree.

> So why aren't we doing this? Is it ignorance?

The problem you are solving here is for durable, long-lasting keys. There is also a need to generate large batches of short-lived keys that need to never collide for security/identification purposes. A centralized registry will not work for that and it requires a wholly different technique.

My point was, let's start with that large OID tree, for example.

And continue this concept downward. Except when it's inside your org, you're the registrar of your namespace's sub-OIDs, and so on. And there's precisely no reason not to have hierarchical sequential ids for everything. You need to generate ids on 100 servers? Good, give each server a namespace. You need to do that in a 100 processes on each server? Good, give a sub-namespace to those too.

And the best of all is that the above-organization OID part of the tree is ONLY needed if you show these ids outside your organization. Otherwise you can use the internal private part of the identifiers.

So what am I missing here? Maybe they need to be hard to guess, so add a random key part to them (distinct from the generated sequence part) as a "password". Done.

I'll also have the need to make namespaces dynamic and centrally coordinate their lifecycle along with the rest of my infrastructure as I stand up anything that needs some sort of coordinated ID. So I've just moved this issue to an even larger scope with even more complexity.

What do I gain for this? UUIDs solve all of this because the chance of creating a duplicate is so low it can effectively be ignored. I can namespace UUIDS and create chains of them if needed.

This is the reason both exist. We need both. We can use both.

When you get used to this basic principle of when you create something, the creator slaps a name on it, it stops being considered a hassle or confusing.

More specifically:

1. When you create something, the creator names it.

2. When you bring something you created outside your scope, you prepend your name to it.

It's kind of what we do with (actual) children if you think, slightly less structured, but the idea was always there. Just add recursion to complete the principle.

I generate children faster than the birth registry can issue certificates and Cronus eats them before it could be issued anyway. Nesting namespaces doesn't solve the problem of scale within a single namespace.

> I frankly don't understand how it's good. UUID originally was intended as something you use very sparingly, to name, say, a product SKU maybe, an organization, something like that. Not literally content that collides commonly at the same nanosecond, in the same application, in the same platform/org.

Wikipedia gives a different history, that it was originally for networked computers - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier#...

What's wrong with using UUIDs for things that are commonly used every nanosecond? It's still improbable to get 2 UUIDs for identifier for the same "thing" in the system, even if you generate billions of them per second. It's a pretty good way to get non-colliding IDs without a central registry. That's the main feature.

I've never seen duplicated UUID generated, and if that's the issue, you may think about using cryptographic randomness source to generate it.

UUID v7 has millisecond precision + 72 bits of randomness, which is _a lot_.

Also, central registry for IDs seems like a great way to shoot yourself in a foot, in case it's down, your network is down, you're on cellular connection, on a plane...

The problem with hierarchic identifiers is that you need to be extremely dilligent when assigning them, and you make it extremely hard to refactor something in the future. But refactoring is something that happens all the time.

For example, you might have "comments" and "posts", and later merge the two entities and call them "notes". Now you have to figure out a way to merge the identifiers -- with UUIDs you don't have issues like this, because they are universally unique.

A lot of developers have found that UUIDv7 provides the properties they want (unique identifiers which sort by creation time), and they don't come with the hassle that other approaches come with.

> So why aren't we doing this?

isn't IPv6 is basically that? just restricted to internet addresses

It's sort of this. Although it would've been nice if the size of the IP wasn't restricted, so one day we can add an optional segment on top and connect the whole Milky Way, or something.

Fun fact: a ping from the center to the extreme of the milky way would overflow for 64 bit millisecond timestamps.

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