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The browser has become like a powerplant. Huge, complicated, and relied upon all day by everyone. It isn't really practical to write a new browser from scratch or support one. They're just too enormously complicated at this point. They are literally the engines for a huge portion of all of the software run in the world.

So naturally it's going to coalesce and standardize around 1 or 2 options. And this is what has happened with Chrome and Safari.

That's not to say that no one can make a better browser or that they shouldn't try, just that its a huge undertaking against a well-entrenched technology and those are very difficult to pull off.

To answer your question about functionality, the browser today is capable of being a full desktop app. It can do anything a desktop app can do. So what you're really looking for is not a replacement browser but a web app that saves pages as HTML, etc. It actually makes more sense from a development standpoint -- and ultimately benefits users -- to have the functionality come from apps and not the browser itself.

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