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Launch HN: Highlight.io (YC W23) – Open-source, full stack web app monitoring
261 points by podoman on July 18, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 134 comments
Hi Hacker News! We’re Jay and Vadim from Highlight.io (https://highlight.io). We’re building a truly open source [1] observability platform for modern web applications. We posted some of our tools to HN in recent months [2][3]. Today, we’re excited to formally launch the project, share more about where we’re going, and of course, poll the community for some feedback. A bit of background: Vadim and I have worked at quite a few startups at this point, and a recurring challenge we’ve faced was tracing usability issues on the frontend to downstream errors and logs on the server. Understanding the real reason behind customer issues was always a chaotic juggling of multiple tools. With the rise of "frontend-forward" frameworks such as NextJS, which blur the boundary between the client and server, the complexity of tracing these issues is only growing.

This is where Highlight.io comes in: our product bridges the gap between client and server to give you a holistic view of your entire application.

At its core, Highlight.io has three main “products”: Session Replay, Error Monitoring, and Logging. The novelty here is not in each product but in how they are connected. For example, in Highlight.io it’s very easy to click from a given error to the associated user session where it is thrown [4], and from a given error, you can easily inspect all of the logs that fired leading up to it. Ensuring that all of our products work together seamlessly with little to no effort is a core principle of our product strategy. If you’re using a common framework [5], for example, we’ll automatically link your frontend sessions with backend errors and logs. No agents, configuring facets, or anything else, It just works.

We depend on several open source projects that help us move quickly. OpenTelemetry (OTEL) [6] is one of them, which helps us with maintainability, i.e. for every language that we support, we only maintain a thin wrapper around its respective OTEL SDK. OTEL is also a great way to enable the community to contribute, and we’re already seeing traction in this space (ie. an open source contributor built a wrapper for a Java SDK [7]).

rrweb [8] is another project we leverage heavily for our session replay product. It drives our ability to record and replay the DOM to visualize user flows in the frontend. We’ve had the privilege to work closely with the rrweb team to ship improvements, and we’re now actively sponsoring the project [9].

ClickHouse [10] has recently become a loved database on our team, as we historically used Opensearch for search-heavy workloads and started to hit growing pains with ingest throughput. We recently rolled it out for our logging product [3] and plan to replace our sessions and errors (and upcoming tracing work) with the database as well.

From a business perspective, Highlight.io is open source under the Apache 2.0 license, and we make money with our hosted product [11]. For the hosted product, you can set billing caps for each offering and we don’t charge for seats. At this point, we have 100+ companies paying for our product (some of which are large enterprises), and thousands of sole developers use Highlight.io every week.

On our roadmap [12] for the future includes metrics, tracing, release management and more. We also are launching several updates this week on our launch week page [13].

Overall, we’re excited to be sharing Highlight.io with the world, and Vadim and I are particularly excited to get some feedback from the HN community. Please give us a test-drive at https://app.highlight.io and let us know what you think. We would love to learn about what you wish you had in an observability product as well as any other experiences and ideas in this space. We look forward to hearing from you!

1: https://github.com/highlight/highlight/blob/main/LICENSE

2: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34897645

3: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35643255

4: https://youtu.be/EvGsmbt0F7s?t=65

5: https://highlight.io/frameworks

6: https://opentelemetry.io/

7: https://github.com/highlight/highlight/pull/4812

8: https://github.com/rrweb-io/rrweb

9: https://github.com/rrweb-io/rrweb#gold-sponsors-

10: https://clickhouse.com/blog/overview-of-highlightio

11: https://highlight.io/pricing

12: https://www.highlight.io/docs/general/roadmap

13: https://highlight.io/launch-week-2

Preface: I was not asked to write this and these are my own experiences with Highlight

As someone building a bootstrapped product with my co-founder [1][2] Highlight has been a pretty amazing time save for us; setting up session replaying + monitoring + logging took all of 15 minutes and let me get back to actually focusing on building the product.

We're running on DOKS (Digital Ocean K8s) due to my familiarity with the hosting stack, and I really didn't want to spend the time setting up a cluster agent + log rotation strategy.

Surprisingly, the popular logging providers out there today don't really have alternative quick-start solutions for shipping logs in clusters, but Highlight DID and it also came with error monitoring + session replays.

All in all I'm pretty happy with the product and looking forward to using it more as we approach our product's soft-launch date at the end of this month with some select clubs.

[1] https://embolt.app/ [2] https://demo.embolt.app/admin/

Hijacking your thread a bit, but I have to give you feedback on your landing page copy. I don't understand what you sell!

I thought you were an app for people that care about their social media reach (like, twitter tech influencers). Forgiveable since your hero copy is " Build your Reach".

It's super important when writing marketing copy to name your users. If I'm a club chair for the local bowling league and I see "sports leagues" mentioned then my brain will just think "oh, this is for me!"

The first paragraph in your about page is so much better:

> Whether you're a sports club, social group, hobbyist organization, or non-profit, embolt is the solution to running your organization. We believe every club and organization should have a reliable platform to accept online member dues, manage registration, run events, and so much more.

I would replace the hero copy with a condensed version of that.

Thanks for your feedback!

I agree with what you're saying, our homepage came before our product so we're in a goofy stage of having a nearly finished MVP product and no mention or links to it on the marketing pages.

> Surprisingly, the popular logging providers out there today don't really have alternative quick-start solutions for shipping logs in clusters, but Highlight DID and it also came with error monitoring + session replays.

Where did you find this? Did you self-host or go with hosted?

On the docs for ingesting data, I only found some guides for things like aws - not k8s?

And there's just some Docker guides and an open issue regarding hosting: https://github.com/highlight/highlight/issues/4390

Looking forward to dependencies being cut down a bit as it should make it almost trivial to set it up for k8s (both hosting and ingesting logs).

We're using the hosted option, and since we run on rails all we needed was the ruby SDK [1].

Essentially, we just have an additional logger attached to our stdout logger which ships logs over to highlight using their OpenTelemetry implementation. No infrastructure required, pretty simple.

[1] https://www.highlight.io/docs/getting-started/backend-sdk/ru...

Ah, I interpreted your comments as if you had automated logging from all k8s nodes/pods to go to highlight via some kind of automation like a sidecar or something (ie not just specific application logs).

> Looking forward to dependencies being cut down a bit as it should make it almost trivial to set it up for k8s (both hosting and ingesting logs).

We're planning to support k8s (openshift etc.) in the next 3-6 months. If you have another platform you'd like to see supported, please commented on the issue you linked.

Thanks for the kind words, we’re glad our approach to observability resonates!

I haven't found a good solution that works well with fly.io (whose own monitoring is meh). Logtail just doesn't work well; logz.io have their heads up their asses; dd and nr are too expensive. If you can get a first class integration going with fly, that'd be huge.

Also please make sure you have multi-line logs covered out of the gate. (Logtail, for example, doesn't support multiline stacktraces(!))

One thing that isn't clear to me from your marketing is what capability you have to support frameworks that aren't in your list. Do you have a regexp/generic parsing engine/ui?

What could fly.io be doing better here? (There's a threshold past which we'd say you should be using Highlight.io or Sentry, I'm just curious what the nuts-and-bolts things we're missing are).

we have a fly.io log shipper. docs here: https://www.highlight.io/docs/getting-started/backend-loggin...

> Also please make sure you have multi-line logs covered out of the gate. (Logtail, for example, doesn't support multiline stacktraces(!))

Noted. We're doing a push on our logging UX soon and can take a look.

> One thing that isn't clear to me from your marketing is what capability you have to support frameworks that aren't in your list. Do you have a regexp/generic parsing engine/ui?

I'm not entirely sure about the question, but we can receive logs via several specifications. OTEL, HTTP, Fluentbit, etc.. Does that answer your question? Or are you talking more about log filtering (i.e. filtering out logs for a specific log level)?

Perfect, I will kick tires today. Thanks!

Have you tried Axiom or Logflare?

Congrats on being the only commercial company to actually sponsor rrweb[0] rather than just fork it and contribute absolutely nothing back (or in the case of Sentry - remove their copyright and violate their license).

Seeing as you're "open-source", why chose to fork and detach the project rather than contribute directly to it? With a detached fork, other users can't even compare your changes to the original and pull in fixes. If you truly believed in the spirit of open source, you'd believe in working together and giving back; not just taking advantage of a free lunch.

It feels like all these "open-source" companies are just closed source but with open-source as a marketing gimmick.

[0] https://github.com/rrweb-io/rrweb

Sentry’s license change on the fork was a mistake. It has been fixed though: https://github.com/getsentry/rrweb/pull/92

The fork exists as a ‘buffer’ to get some changes (features or bug fixes) out without the need to couple with the npm release of rrweb itself. Sentry engineers have several PRs in upstream rrweb merged and the goal is to increase the upstream contributions and close the gap between our fork and upstream. We’re currently porting our changes from v1 to the v2 branch.

I believe Sentry has made financial contributions to rrweb but directly to a maintainer. I'll let others who know details to comment on this. I'm sure more contributions will be done, as this is very much in the interest of Sentry anyway.

Worth noting, Sentry has been making larger contributions to OSS every year, as the company grows:

2021: https://blog.sentry.io/we-just-gave-154-999-dollars-and-89-c... 2022: https://blog.sentry.io/we-just-gave-260-028-dollars-to-open-...

In addition to that, there are contributions to open source done in the form of code that is, open source, such as the symbolication service: https://github.com/getsentry/symbolicator and many others: https://github.com/getsentry/

Thanks for clarifying, no need to provide specifics - those blog posts demonstrate that that Sentry is indeed committed to giving back to FOSS. Apologies for my initial cynicism.

Thanks. Frankly, the reason we have a separate fork is because some of our changes to rrweb in the early days were "hacky" to the say the least, and given that their team is part time on the project, there was occasionally a long cycle to get changes in.

We do have plans to consolidate one day, and I understand your sentiment about making diffs hard.

Fwiw, even beyond sponsoring the project, we even sponsored some folks on their team to work on particular features in the privacy and webgl space, so we have a really good relationship at this point.

I'll talk to the team regarding consolidating at this point. I appreciate the message.

Thanks, I appreciate the response. Re-reading my original post, it came off more aggressively than I indented. It's just frustrating to see so many "open-source" companies use rrweb as a big selling point in their product yet not give anything back in terms of financial support or contributions (present company excluded of course).

That's great to hear, thank you for supporting open-source! I'll be sure to give your product a trial.

All good, these are very valid points. Thanks for feedback and definitely give highlight a try when you get a chance.

I can't speak to rrweb specifically, but I can say having used open source projects at large companies that sometimes they require major code changes to work around an internal limitation or use case that upstream frankly might not want.

E.g., my team wrote an exporter plugin for an internal only database, so there's almost zero value to open source it when other exporters for OSS data sources already exist as reference material.

I've wanted to try highlight for our company although I find it off putting that new companies market themselves as "Open Source!" "Self Hosted!" but really aren't that accessible or documented for independent use.

I get it. it's a business, and it really is open source (thanks for the permissive license), but it often feels more like an after-thought/marketing play, which is completely fine if you're upfront. or maybe I'm just spoiled.

You should check out SigNoz - https://github.com/signoz/signoz

We are not specifically focused on web app monitoring, but you should be able to monitor web app easily, esp. if you want to also monitor backend services and have frontend in JS

And, yeah - we have all the docs for self hosting - https://signoz.io/docs/install/

Docs for Angular apps - https://signoz.io/docs/tutorial/instrumenting-angular-fronte...

I understand the sentiment. Maybe we can put something in our self hosting docs [1] that is more clear about how we think about our open source stance. In short, self hosting highlight is free on a single instance, but we charge for an “enterprise” deployment where we support managed infra, etc.

Are there any other things you’d suggest we can change on our site to make it bode better?


Not the exact same feature set as highlight, but the platform I'm building[0] is self-hosted only for this exact reason: companies that have SaaS as their main business-model have negative incentives to make their self-hosted offering too good or easy to install/use.

[0]: https://www.uxwizz.com/

This could potentially replace LogRocket / Bugsnag / Papertrail for our fly-hosted SaaS product. Only thing is, we're elixir based so I'd love to see an elixir client. I advise another company with a HIPAA compliant service and the self-hosted option would be huge for them. They're PHP / React so a PHP library would help out there.

Thanks for sharing. Yeah, that’s a very reasonable use case to switch over. We have lots of logrocket and busgnag converts.

We do have more SDKs in the works, and occasionally, community members help us out as well (see the comment about our java sdk above). If you have any thoughts, please share (tickets below).

Regarding Elixir, we have some experience with the language within our team, so please reach out if we can build something for you in the short term. I'm at jay [at] highlight [dot] io.

https://github.com/highlight/highlight/issues/5082 https://github.com/highlight/highlight/issues/4452

I'm surprised you don't list Sentry as a competitor. How do you compare? (We're a fairly happy customer of Sentry, but am always curious to see new entrants in this space)

We do consider sentry a competitor. There's a small bug on our site where our competitor page isn't rendering (taking a look).

There's a few reasons why someone would use us over Sentry. First is that our session replay product is much more robust imo, though they are working quickly in that space: https://www.highlight.io/docs/general/product-features/sessi...

Secondly, we have a logging product: https://www.highlight.io/docs/general/product-features/loggi...

And lastly, we prefer to keep our product simple and very opinionated. Most of our customers are using common frameworks and we're specifically focused on web. Long term, we see ourselves going in the direction of Datadog, building out a metrics and tracing product over the next 6 months or so.

If you want to see what it looks like in action[1] - I deployed it very quickly to my static site. Pretty interesting so far.

In this mode you can see the cursor move, any selections, etc. You also get a basic view of the network developer tools console for that user.


1: https://keeb.dev/static/highlight-crazy.png

Very cool demo. Highlight.io is a super visual tool and we've used that in demos and such as well!

Congratulations for the launch and thanks for making it open source!

Why using 6 databases? Kafka, redis, Postgres, ClickHouse, influxdb, opensearch


The open-source infra we use allows us to have a highly-available, scale-able system.

Kafka - buffers data ingest so that we never lose recordings. Redis - acts as a cache, optimized for write-heavy processing in our app. Postgres - stores metadata for the data we record. ClickHouse - stores logs and other time-series data that need to be aggregated.

We're looking to simplify the system and replacing InfluxDB + OpenSearch in the near future with ClickHouse as a more performance and cost-effective solution that has proven simpler to maintain.

What about keeping just ClickHouse and redis? Wouldn't that be enough? At least for the hobby that don't need to scale to millions? (Representing 99% of the use cases)

you don't go to YC to be "monitoring for hobbyists"

Looks great, and will be testing it out soon.

I have to say though your landing page looks remarkably similar to Posthog. So much so that I am having to double check to make sure you are not the same company.

Thought the same thing

We definitely did take some inspiration there. I’ll add some attribution in the footer.

Along these lines, for those looking for modern (rrweb) session recording software first and foremost, it looks like Posthog is more cost efficient (though I’d love to be proven wrong on my math!). Do you have a rationale for why Highlight should be a preferred solution, feature-wise or otherwise?

Highlight is an application monitoring tool. Posthog is an analytics tool. I would say that it depends mostly on the buyer/audience.

There are definitely a bunch of overlap though between the two, most notably in session replay. Honestly if one of you could combine application analytics with monitoring, it would be a fantastic one stop resource. There is no reason in my mind why these two areas should be separate. Both are basically logging events of different types.

Implementation-wise, I agree. You run into similar engineering challenges in both cases. From a buyer/persona perspective it is very different as you go up-market.

Tangential: I managed to massively improve our logging/bug-hunting experience with this simple trick:

Whenever we write any kind of event into our logging system (which at its core is simply a run-of-the-mill ELK stack setup), four attributes are added:

- the userId (if an authenticated user session is active)

- the sessionId (this always exists, authenticated user or not)

- the requestId (nginx as the first point of contact generates this one)

- the clientId (when we see this browser for the very first time, we generate this and store it in a really-long-lived cookie)

I have yet to see a measure with a better cost-benefit ratio.

Hunting down a bug always starts with seeing an error event — and this event has all 4 attributes (userId might be NULL of course).

Want to find all other events related to the same session? Search Kibana for the sessionId. All events from the same HTTP request? Search for the requestId. Same client? clientId. Same user? userId.

In some cases it nearly feels like cheating.

I like that approach. With a lot more indexing and UI magic, that's essentially what we do behind the hood.

Now YC has funded 4 companies directly competing with each other.

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25991485 Launch HN: Opstrace (YC S19) – open-source Datadog

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22376732 Launch HN: PostHog (YC W20) – open-source product analytics

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26079389 Launch HN: SigNoz (YC W21) – Open-source alternative to DataDog

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36774611 Launch HN: Highlight.io (YC W23) – Open-source, full stack web app monitoring

The monitoring space is heating up after the Datadog IPO.

Edit 2023-07-18T22:42:00Z: added PostHog

Opstrace was acquired by GitLab soon after launch. And signoz, in our minds is more leaning towards Grafana/Prometheus (and not particularly web app oriented).

I’m personally excited by the fact that there are other players in the space. It pushes us to move quickly and stay focused.

And I agree with your analysis, Datadog has proven that there’s a huge (and only growing) market for observability tooling.

(SigNoz maintainer here)

I would say the key way we differ from Grafana stack, is that we have all metrics, traces and logs in a single application while in grafana you would have to run 2 different products for this and then work your way to make sure that the three products are able to talk to each other.

One can easily monitor their JS based frontend application in SigNoz today, but yes we are focused primarily on tying together metrics, traces and logs today - and have a pretty powerful exceptions monitoring product built on top of traces.

We don't do things like session recording etc today :)

Good take on the competition, and I'm looking forward to trying out Highlight.io.

Excited for you to give it a try.

Interesting fact - all four are using ClickHouse, which is my favorite technology.

Clickhouse is insanely good for OLAP type data. But I've found it flexible enough to even be a suitable substitute to time series data.

I find that clickhouse is absurdly fast for massive amounts of small items. Since that’s what all of these are, it’s not super surprising.

One more thing to add here given your edit. Posthog does not directly compete with us. They have a session replay product; that is the only overlap. Nonetheless, their work on session replay (and in turn, with rrweb) is making the ecosystem better overall.

Agree, I think PostHog adresses a very different set of use cases

On top of indiehacker tools like fathom, plausible, etc. Market is huge

https://openreplay.com is also great. Has helped us detect issues in our US as well as trace graphql requests.

whew https://github.com/openreplay/openreplay/blob/v1.14.0/LICENS... contains multitudes :-(

  OpenReplay monorepo uses multiple licenses. Portions of this software are licensed as follows:
  - All content that resides under the "ee/" directory of this repository, is licensed under the license defined in "ee/LICENSE".
  - Some directories have a specific LICENSE file and are licensed under the "MIT" license, as defined below.
  - Content outside of the above mentioned directories or restrictions defaults to the "Elastic License 2.0 (ELv2)" license, as defined below.

Outside of YC you have OpenObserve - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36280028

Also PostHog

Perhaps it’s just the landing page but it looks to be more of a logging and application metrics tool than a monitoring tool?

For monitoring I’d expect to see a horizontal and top down view of each component that makes up and hosts my product. E.g. DNS/API/storage and network latency, kubernetes pod/cluster/controller health, integration / service availability, billing cycle/overruns, alert escalation etc etc

You’re correct. Maybe it should be called “application monitoring”? Any other ideas on verbiage?

Yeah I think application monitoring makes sense, could always add ‘and log analysis’ to represent its strengths there.

Sounds good. Will work on some copy edits accordingly. Thanks for the feedback.

Neat! It's great that you're taking feedback like this.

Our team has been looking at Highlight recently and getting feedback from our team -- and they love it. Super solid product that will replace a lot of what we use now for logging and session recording, and the Highlight team is insanely responsive and has been great to work with.

Congrats on the launch!!

Thanks for the kind words. Keep the feedback coming :)

Hiya! I'm a long term logrocket user (around 9 years now). I've been looking at alternatives as the cost is so high for us as a startup (~300k sessions per month). Highlight looks great! I have a few questions:

1. Do you or are you looking to add redux recording? This is a must for us.

2. Why are session replay costs so high? Is there a lot of data stored? Nobody seems to have a cost effective solution once you get to high volumes.

3. I'd happily self-host to take the hit on the storage/database costs internally but $3k per month is unworkable for us. Is there a way around this (I can see how this would potentially break your business model)? 4. Do you have any plans to offer discounts for startups?


Regarding redux recording, we've heard this occasionally, but it seems like the library (and proper state management libraries at large) is getting less popular nowadays. That being said, I think it would be cool if users could report data to the session to visualize it after the fact and we could use Redux as a first step in that direction.

I made a ticket here; do you mind helping with some of the points I added?


Regarding pricing, at that volume, we charge less than Logrocket (you'll need to reach out to us about it for now: jay [at] highlight [dot] io). We also have features that let you only record sessions with errors if you don't want to record everything. Overall, our goal from a business strategy is to be your one stop shop for application monitoring, not just a specialized tool for session replay like logrocket.

Sorry for the long reply.

I created an account with GitHub login and it appears the set of emails your backend was presented chose one that wasn't my primary. How do I change my email once I have an account set up?

Do you mind joining our Discord (https://highlight.io/community) and asking there? Happy to help over a DM once you are in.

Perhaps your invite shortlinked behind that URL needs an update? Showing invalid for me.

Seeing open source projects backed by YC always giving me a special feeling of joy and excitement.

Good luck, I’ve been having highlights on my radar since your first post on HN.

Appreciate the sentiment. Give us a try when you get a chance!

Oh man! this is a Godsend. I've been having issues with Sentry's payment processor... And been looking for alternatives. I'm definitely in!

Try GlitchTip first! The only thing you’ll need to do is swap out the DSN.

I'm with Sentry. We're sorry to hear you're having payment issues! Could you tell us more about what's not working? We'll look into this on our end.

Thanks for your reply. I've already sent a support request and the response was less than impressive. "It's not us, it's you" type... feel free to reach out, email on profile.

Reached out on that email. Look forward to making things right!

Pinged a couple of times on that gmail ID but no response yet. LMK what's a better way to reach you.

Congrats on the launch! Question out of curiosity to the highlight team: when you’re building out the product you would probably like to test your own user flows by simulating weird bugs in complex systems to see how well highlight can help catch it. Do you have a standard kit you use containing common setups for that type of product research / validation?

That's a fun question. We don't necessarily have a common test case we run things against, but after big product launches, we do use Highlight to e.g. look at all sessions where a new feature is used.

One other thing that we have is an internal page that lets us simulate specific types of errors for debugging purposes. It looks like this: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0prnebmiip8huleaf1mub/Screen-...

Congrats on the launch! How are you thinking about building an open-source company vs a closed-source?

Everything we do is open source. Our roadmap, weekly tasks, etc.. So far, this has worked really well for us and made it easy for the community to be involved in what we're doing.

There are lots of fun challenges in front of us regarding incentivizing the community (bounties, etc..), as well as open sourcing more of our product processes. If you have any other pointed questions, happy to talk to them.

I think something like sessions should instead be priced by session time. It’s pretty weird that a 3 minute session would have the same price as the 8 hour sessions our own users generally have.

We currently use OpenReplay for this. How would you compare that product to your own?

We have considered that, the only problem is that its very hard to control session time as an end user. I.e. if you want to decrease the number of sessions coming through the platform, its more difficult if we're not counting by number of sessions.

This is something that we offer for enterprise companies, however.

For healthcare applications, do you sign a BAA with the customer or deploy on-premise? I could see this being extremely useful to health app developers if there is a secure way to handle patient data stored in a session replay.

In some cases, we'll sign a BAA. We handle this sort of thing on a case-by-case basis depending on risk. Feel free to shoot me an email if you have any particular questions in that space. jay [at] highlight [dot] io

Would it be possible to monitor a bunch of on premise servers running on similar hardware and serving the same apps (but for different clients)?

More specifically, how would that look and work from an sre/product/devops perspective?


Highlight can monitor server-side web apps; I'm assuming that's what you're running on those servers? I'd suggest instrumenting the common application code with our backend SDKs and deploying that change to all on-premise servers. Alternatively, you can run an OpenTelemetry collector (https://www.highlight.io/docs/getting-started/backend-loggin...) on each server to stream logs.

Yep. Very possible. You can send us logs via Fluent bit, Otel, and many other specifications. The easiest way to differentiate between logs would probably be to send a "service name" that's different between your servers.

If you'd like to ask questions synchronously or over email, I'm a jay [at] highlight [dot] io.

Looks like Vadim beat me to it. Note what he said about running an OTEL collector. That's probably the best approach given they're onprem.

Thank you both!

I'll have a better look at the docs tomorrow and try it out.

Other than open source, what's the advantage over MS Clarity, which seems to offer the same features, is free forever, and easy to setup?

Not trying to be contrary, just found Clarity recently and am impressed so far.

On session replay, clarity if definitely comparable to an extent. Keep in mind that the tool is very fine-tuned for a more marketing use case (w/ heatmaps, analytics, etc..). On the other hand, Highlight.io will monitor the content of network requests, trace request all the way to your backend, let you inspect the DOM, report on errors and much more.

Regarding the request features I mentioned above, we launched several features in this space today in our launch week: https://highlight.io/launch-week-2#day-2

Thanks for the explanation! I'll give it a try. I'm definitely interested in diagnosing and preventing errors.

Clarity is meant for high level analytics around product usage, while Highlight is built for engineering observability (catching and debugging errors). Highlight offers network tracing, log ingest (both client and server side), and error monitoring to serve that use-case which Clarity does not.

Is there a way to limit ingestion so we don't get hit with an infinite loop error reporting and end up with a huge bill?

Sentry currently just drops extra errors (at least this happened to us before we upgraded)

Yes. For your trial (first two weeks) you get unlimited usage. After that, you can explicitly set billing caps.

Let me know if that doesn’t answer the question.

Was just searching for something like this and considering rolling my own after a couple of strike outs(logflare and logpush/r2). Looking forward to giving it a try!

Great to hear. What don’t you like about the log flare and log push approach?

For context, this project is a smallish backend(~10 endpoints) running on CF workers with a low volume of logs.

The goal for now is to get something basic working, since cf workers don't log by default and I need to track down a bug.

These assessments were made quickly, so they may not be accurate, but here they are anyway:

Logflare -

A js client library (https://github.com/Logflare/winston-logflare) has 2 high vulnerabilities, still uses commonjs imports in the example, last update 3 years ago. The latest tweet in the testimonials section of their home page is from 3 years ago. They were acquired a few years ago, so is the product just moldering? Or maybe they are just focusing on working with Supabase? In either case, not great for my case.

Log Push - I got this set up, but the logs were in a unknown binary format(or corrupt?). Even if is was working, the logs would be in R2, without great support for query/search/presentation etc. Not sure exactly what the problem is, but the feature feels a bit new/beta and the "upside" is kind of low.

I tried to set up your (logging)service, but my project is an iOS app, so I can't complete the frontend setup.

Logs don't seem to go through, maybe because setting up a client is required to complete the setup?

Sorry about that. Do you mind "@"ing me in our discord? https://highlight.io/community

Or feel free to shoot me an email: jay [at] highlight [dot] io

Excited to get you going.

Curious to try this out. We are currently using Sentry, Papertrail, and some error logs in our analytics platform. Do your users replace multiple tools with Highlight?

Yes, a good number of folks have come from those tools. Not only to consolidate tools, but to get a cohesive debugging experience (see the frontend session and the server side errors + logs all in one place).

Was excited to try, but couldn't find any vanilla PHP or PHP framework support in your list. Are you going for JS frameworks only?

We have an SDK request here: https://github.com/highlight/highlight/issues/4225

We don't have a particular leaning towards javascript, but haven't gotten to PHP yet. We're definitely open to contributors, but otherwise, we can hopefully get to this in the coming months.

"Interested in self-hosting highlight? Spin up highlight.io in docker with just a few commands."

How do you host it NOT in Docker?

This would be more involved as you'd need to run and configure the infra dependencies yourself. For every container listed in the compose file [1], you'd want to set up that service. After that, you can use the shell scripts referenced in the dev deploy guide [2] to run the app's backend + frontend (having installed application dependencies mentioned, like node.js and go).

[1] https://github.com/highlight/highlight/blob/main/docker/comp... [2] https://www.highlight.io/docs/getting-started/self-host/dev-...

Thanks for the reply!

Congratulations on the launch :)

Do you have plans for a React Native/Expo integration? I’d move our monitoring in a heartbeat!

Thanks. To confirm, you'd like session replay for your react native / expo app?

That's the one feature we don't care about at all.

We specifically avoid features like that (e.g. in PostHog) because it would be hard to explain to our customers why we're doing it.

Capturing session logs? Now we're talking, that matters. We're doing it in-house by relaying logs from our apps after a certain amount has been collected.

How does session-replay work with with privacy regulations like GDPR? Is it even possible to do session replays on production in a transparent non-privacy-violating way?

Our JS SDK provides a strict privacy mode that obfuscates the entire DOM for this use-case (see more here: https://www.highlight.io/docs/getting-started/client-sdk/rep...). Plus, our open-source nature means that companies with stricter data control requirements can self-host highlight and manage how the data is retained.

Highlight has been on my todo list forever. Great to see your launch, congrats!

Appreciate it. Let us know what you think when you have a chance to try it!

Do you allow users to connect to Clickhouse directly with the hosted option?

Yes, our self-hosted option can plug into existing ClickHouse servers and will set up the necessary schema for highlight to function. The infrastructure configuration is driven by the docker compose file. More info in our docs: https://www.highlight.io/docs/getting-started/self-host/self...

I believe you misinterpreted the question. OP was asking if, for your hosted option, you allow customers to access the database used on the hosted option.

For the cloud version (app.highlight.io), we currently don't support plugging into your own infrastructure. We also don't give you direct access to the database we use. For the self-hosted version however, you can use any infrastructure you want.

Interesting..is this tool similar to replay.io? Are you competitors?

Replay.io is a browser actually, so it’s for debugging web apps in development. highlight is a better fit for production web applications.

Love to see this, have always wanted more accessible observability.

Do also check out SigNoz - https://github.com/signoz/signoz if you are also interested in APM, metrics

big fan!

Appreciate the kind note.

Good luck, this is a highly competitive space.

Any love for mobile?

+ [[ --go-docker --hobby == \-\-\h\o\b\b\y ]] + CUSTOM_COMPOSE='-f compose.yml -f compose.hobby.yml' + SERVICES='clickhouse collector influxdb kafka opensearch postgres redis zookeeper' + docker compose -f compose.yml -f compose.hobby.yml pull clickhouse collector influxdb kafka opensearch postgres redis zookeeper unknown shorthand flag: 'f' in -f See 'docker --help'.

Mind asking in our Discord community (https://highlight.io/community)? Happy to help there - looks like you are missing the docker compose v2 plugin (https://docs.docker.com/compose/).

Does it have feature parity with Sentry? Is it cheaper?

I'm not sure why they put "open source" in the pitch. I could care less if it's Open Source. I want a working product and responsive support, not a hippy license agreement.

They put "open source" in the pitch cause some folk (eg: me) give preference to vendors who allow self-host and have some hippy-license.

Open source is always going to be a major selling point for Observability. Once you get to any scale the lock-in with a closed source SaaS product is going to make your budget HURT.

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