The weirdness of trying to put a name to dril to me is like trying to put a name on the voice of the people. It’s like if the hacker “Anonymous” was outed as primarily having been orchestrated by some hacker named Hayden Sommers (just a made up name that sounds real enough).
dril is more of a cultural zeitgeist than a guy named Paul Dochney. Dochney is just the channel for how a good hunk of society feels about society and Twitter, and I feel like he also understands this intimately by reading how he talks in the interview.
They do touch on this in the interview when talking about why SomethingAwful originally became popular (a kneejerk reaction against the breathless optimism of the Internet). Feels like a less cynical and more sarcastic cultural phenomenon than Black Mirror/twilight zone, but born of the same vein
dril is more of a cultural zeitgeist than a guy named Paul Dochney. Dochney is just the channel for how a good hunk of society feels about society and Twitter, and I feel like he also understands this intimately by reading how he talks in the interview.
They do touch on this in the interview when talking about why SomethingAwful originally became popular (a kneejerk reaction against the breathless optimism of the Internet). Feels like a less cynical and more sarcastic cultural phenomenon than Black Mirror/twilight zone, but born of the same vein