The type hints have no runtime semantics whatsoever.
The actual type-checking still happens at runtime in Python, and is not related to any static checks. Out of the perspective of Python's interpreter the type hints don't even exist. They're like comments…
Static type checking is not part of Python!
> Python also has ADTs which match it in power to rust.
All Turing-complete languages match each other in power…
Besides that:
Python doesn't have a static type system in the first place, so it can't compete with Rust in this regard. That's not even the same game.
>Of course it still is.
>The type hints have no runtime semantics whatsoever.
I clarified my meaning in another comment. You're right, I meant to SAY modern development involves type checking with python. But not with the interpreter. My mistake for not being clear.
>All Turing-complete languages match each other in power…
I obviously mean type checking. Additionally what you're saying isn't even true. Not all turing complete languages match in power or capability.
>Python doesn't have a static type system in the first place, so it can't compete with Rust in this regard. That's not even the same game.
Modern python development is done in conjunction with a type checker. Sort of like how modern javascript development is done with typescript. That levels up the game to where python is roughly in the same class as rust when it comes to type correctness.
Depending on the type checker python matches the power of rust, roughly. There are differences, but for ADTs they are pretty similar in capability.
Of course it still is.
The type hints have no runtime semantics whatsoever.
The actual type-checking still happens at runtime in Python, and is not related to any static checks. Out of the perspective of Python's interpreter the type hints don't even exist. They're like comments…
Static type checking is not part of Python!
> Python also has ADTs which match it in power to rust.
All Turing-complete languages match each other in power…
Besides that:
Python doesn't have a static type system in the first place, so it can't compete with Rust in this regard. That's not even the same game.