not OP but I think even just `operation` vs `op` should be self explanatory for the majority of devs. And documentation can dispel any doubt regarding the interpretation of the name.
Terse naming is just fine as long as the names are visually distinct from those in the same scope/namespace and as long as engineers/developers are religious about proper documentation.
i.e. members/classes/types/fn/etc getting a doxy/doc description and local variables getting a `//` comment if their meaning and use isn't easily derivable from the immediate context.
If that isn't happening however, you probably need to be pushing for more descriptive names or better docs during code review.
It's self-explanatory for sure, but I would prefer the actual domain term be Op as well. IE, I really dislike `op =` or whathaveyou. This breaks stuff like editor highlighting and whatnot. It's also harder to keep consistency through a codebase. Like maybe some people do `o =`. I find very high cohesion here helps my code-scanning a ton.
I'm not saying that would be true for anyone, just furthering my premise that it's different for everyone.
Terse naming is just fine as long as the names are visually distinct from those in the same scope/namespace and as long as engineers/developers are religious about proper documentation.
i.e. members/classes/types/fn/etc getting a doxy/doc description and local variables getting a `//` comment if their meaning and use isn't easily derivable from the immediate context.
If that isn't happening however, you probably need to be pushing for more descriptive names or better docs during code review.