> Second, your whole comment is littered with implicit reinforcement of the hierarchy. You use terms like underling, bosses, and equate the founding of the company with founding of a hierarchy. If you, who claim to be skeptical of the hierarchy, can’t stop doing that how can you expect those around you who are trying to model their behavior off of you?
This is a venture capitalist-minded audience, so “when in Rome”. Text often lacks important tone so try reading the comment aloud and add an air of disgust when you encounter a word that you interpret as loaded with implication.
That critique doesn’t really hold up or add value to the discussion. Its thesis resembles “yet you participate in society, curious” and bad-faith tone policing, but that’s just my interpretation. Could just be miscommunication or a differing moral framework.
This is a venture capitalist-minded audience, so “when in Rome”. Text often lacks important tone so try reading the comment aloud and add an air of disgust when you encounter a word that you interpret as loaded with implication.
That critique doesn’t really hold up or add value to the discussion. Its thesis resembles “yet you participate in society, curious” and bad-faith tone policing, but that’s just my interpretation. Could just be miscommunication or a differing moral framework.