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From my own personal experience, it would explain why when I use window managers like i3wm and Yabai versus regular desktop that I am more effective and efficient. Somehow window managers just fits perfectly like glove for my brain.

I don't get that cognitive load overhead when I have million different tabs and windows and programs and notes just splattered in a single screen. It's all neatly hidden away until I need them with good management of window managers.

I'm not diagnosed with ADHD though it's likely that I have a mild form of it. I also use sway exclusively (Wayland i3) and couldn't bear to use anything else at this point.

Though my experience is the opposite, sway allows me to represent the cluttered state of my mind perfectly and to quickly ad-hoc reorder my open windows and gazillion tabs for what I am currently focussing on. It's always chaos but in a comfy way.

Quite interesting to see how different our usage seems to be, for many people tiling window manager help keep order, for me it enables me to survive in a constant state of chaos until i am running out of RAM

I currently is bspwm on my personal laptop, and work on a Mac, and it was a brutal change to go back to a non-tiled wm at work (I tried without as an experiment to see how I'd feel about it when I first got the new work machine - the jury is in: It's absolutely awful; Yabai is heaven in comparison).

As far back as the 1980's when I was using an Amiga, I'd always effectively work full screen or with carefully tiled layouts if I couldn't...

Perhaps a vim + tmux + magnet (mac app) setup could work for you?

I detest vim far more than I detest overlapping window managers ;) Yabai works ok. It's not ideal but its close enough.

Thanks for the recommendation then, I will check yabai out :3

Are there and similar managers for windows like i3wm and Yabai?

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