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A buddy of mine is a hardcore rider. He goes through a $5k bike every 5 years or so.

Could he refurb the titanium frames for newer parts? Maybe. At some point racing tech moves on and you need a newer frame for the latest and greatest stuff to fit.

Your friend just want a new bike every few years, he doesn't go through it. I have been in that place. That doesn't mean older stuff becomes unrideable and unfixable.

You can find parts for nearly any kind of old/obsolete bike technology ever made in volume, even tires for odd wheel sizes that have been mostly abandonned can still be found.

What do you mean "go through"? What does a bike have that gets consumed to the point that you have to replace the whole thing?

Nothing gets consumed, he just gets bored with his 5 year old bike and wants something that has all the latest new tech. He probably got a new 12-speed bike in the last year just because it's 1 more speed than the older 11-speed bikes from 5 years ago, for instance.

>At some point racing tech moves on and you need a newer frame for the latest and greatest stuff to fit.

Sure, but that's utterly irrelevant to daily commuter / city bikes, which Van Moof are.

Right, but this is a commuter e-bike.

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