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ernestipark on July 14, 2023 | hide | past | favorite

My (first tech) internship has been remote this summer and is honestly really hard socially and motivation-wise because of it. I'm not far enough into my career to see any benefits of remote work, but I know quite a lot of people enjoy it and will be saying so in the comments.

Specific to the site, it seems like a job board with mediocre execution. It might be more effective as a manifesto site (nohello.net and grugbrain.dev come to mind, there are others). Maybe a parody of a remote work tool like Zoom's landing page.

Neat, a list of companies for me to avoid next time I'm looking for a job.

> For all of modern human history, work has been limited to screens.

Is this a parody?

Yeah, no.

Haha nice try!

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