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Our industry is ageist and anti-intellectual. These are the symptoms of those.

While I agree that the software industry suffers from ageism and anti-intellectualism, these vulnerabilities are actually the symptoms of elitism, cargo culting, and traditionalism, which it also suffers from.

Maybe not ageist, but I do think it's easier to get younger people to work slavishly and pay them relatively less (on average, not everywhere pays like Bay area).

It's easy because there has never been a greater backlog of junior candidates trying to break into the industry.

Could be worded as Low barrier to entry and highly compensated.

Kids get into it just by having the tenacity to do whatever it takes to make it chooch. It's all that counts.

Ageist against old people? young people? middle-age people? I see at least these 3 categories are facing age related issues.

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