Yeah I was aware of devstats and yes the UI is awkward to use. I'm planning on open sourcing DevBoard, since GitSense is really the differentiating factor, so CNCF is free to use it, if it wants to. I personally think Grafana is great for analyzing time series data but I don't believe it's a very good dashboard system if you need to tell a story, which is what I believe software development insights needs.
If you goto to you can see how my DevBoard widget system is different than Grafanas. Note, the repo that I talk about in the Intro page hasn't been pushed to GitHub yet, but will be soon (hopefully by the end of this week). I'm planning on creating widgets where you can just feed it some numbers and it will generate a graph, but since my widgets can be programmed, you can do much more with the data to tell a story and to help surface insights.
Full disclosure: This is my tool