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Honestly that sort of thing always confused me when I worked in Java, C#, etc. I could never tell at a glance whether the operator was doing an identity comparison or a value comparison, and I definitely contributed a few bugs from this misunderstanding. In Go which lacks operator overloading, we either `ptr1 == ptr2` or we do some `ptr1.Equals(ptr2)` for value comparisons and `ptr1 == ptr2` for pointer comparisons--in either case, there is no ambiguity and IME fewer bugs.

That's more of a problem with languages that confuse value types and references.

Java's the same regarding == and .equals( ) and when it's Java code written by devs who also work in other languages, it definitely still results in bugs, sometimes that go undiscovered for remarkably long times (particularly if == happens to return the right result in most cases). Meaning/needing to compare references for string (and similar) types is exceedingly uncommon, yet uses the more "natural" syntax for testing equality. FWIW I can't remember working with a codebase where unexpected behavior due to operator overloading was a serious problem.

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