Interesting is understatement, it's a channel which is one of the closer ones to hard science on the hard science - pop science spectrum and still having more than a million subscribers.
Especially the Covid test video was eye opening against the conspiracy theorist propaganda during the pandemic because knowing how tests actually work on practical level makes you see through the claims effort free.
Thought Emporium, Nile Red, and Styropyro are YouTubers who are a few degrees away from being dangerous criminals (I say this in the lightest way possible) but channel their talents for educational videos.
Are you serious or trying to make a joke? I don't get it. Generally nice people, maybe slightly narcissistic, like any youtuber, maybe irresponsible. These people are nowhere near being "dangerous criminals", that's just slander.
I really dislike your framing of chemistry enthusiasts as potential criminals. All the prohibition around chemicals makes it real hard to do fun stuff. Especially for people who don't want to break the law. Dangerous criminals don't care and will always find a way.
I wouldn't call it stockpiling if people keep small amounts of stuff around which they intent to use for (legal) experiments. It's not like he has tons of that stuff.
The real danger comes from farmers. Ammonium Nitrate (fertilizer) and diesel (tractors). They must be up to something [/s]
Speaking of styropyro, he's very adept at sourcing less than savory laser parts and has no qualms putting those extremely high wattages to crazy uses. I'm still not sure the guy isn't blind and just faking it really well. No, really. I've got spots in my vision from using >5W lasers, I've no idea how he doesn't (Pro-Tip: don't put wedding rings in the laser path)
Nile Red is also really good at chemistry and seems to have no qualms doing questionable stuff. Think 'Things I Won't Work With', and then he works with it, a lot. Thank God he's not too into amines ... yet. The algorithm is going to push him ever more towards the boom-boom side of chemistry and he can only resist so long.
Speaking in prosecutor-terms, these guys more than have the means and opportunity, they need only the motive and the case is a slam dunk. The lines they walk are quite fine.
All that said, I love these guys and have for years. I'll continue to watch and support them as long as they can continue to upload, which is never a sure thing in their cases
> Speaking in prosecutor-terms, these guys more than have the means and opportunity, they need only the motive and the case is a slam dunk. The lines they walk are quite fine.
What case are you talking about specifically? You're implying there's been a crime, can you expand on this?