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+1 on the importance a high-quality screen. I never quite understand why PC manufacturer skimp on what is agruabably the most important interface with the device. And when they do, they of course jump into spec chasing with resolution and frame rate taking the focus instead of contrast, color reproduction and PWM (for people sensitive to it ).

What's the delta in BOM cost for a high quality display ? Maybe someone with industry knowledge can comment.

Because the screen is pretty close to the most expensive part and isn't one that shows up well on spec sheets other than resolution. Windows laptop consumers almost all go by price per spec sheet item so those shitty screens boost the value way up.

> What's the delta in BOM cost for a high quality display ? Maybe someone with industry knowledge can comment.

Higher quality screens are more expensive than shitty ones. It's not just the cost of the panel itself but more pixels take more power. That means more expensive driver circuitry and likely a larger battery to be able to offer a marketable battery life.

That higher power may not work in your current design's thermal envelope. A different panel may also need a redesign of the display shell, bezel, and even hinge(s). Each component might not have a significant increase in cost on the BOM but all of them together add up as does any redesigns to support the extra power usage.

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