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I thought that rar was used so that the capper could split the archive across multiple files and begin uploading the content before the show was over.

It seems problematic to set up and could cause nukes for incomplete releases with the slightest mistake or network failure on the capper's part (with the accompanying displeasure of sites' admins). And he would have to do everything on his own -- the capping, the encoding, the packaging. Also, I don't know how hard the tv groups are pushing for early release but usually the content is uploaded to the group's server and only then pushed to affiliated top sites at the same time.

Obviously, it's all hearsay so you may be right.

Respectfully I think I am right:

"I don't know how hard the tv groups are pushing for early release"

Why do you think they are called racers? "Early release" as you call it is the reason for the season...

"He would have to do everything on his own -- the capping, the encoding, the packaging."

This does not make any sense to me. Who would have to X?

> Why do you think they are called racers?

They're not. Cappers and racers are different people. It used to be that racers weren't even affiliated with the release group, just people moving stuff between sites for upload credit.

> Who would have to X?

The same person would have to do all the work involved in making a release. Usually, there's a division of labour: different person provides the source, someone else encodes it, someone else takes care of coordinating the release and so on.

"They're not. Cappers and racers are different people. It used to be that racers weren't even affiliated with the release group, just people moving stuff between sites for upload credit."

Okay let me rephrase: "why do you think there are people called racers and/or what do you think pretime is all about?"

"The same person would have to do all the work involved in making a release. Usually, there's a division of labour: different person provides the source, someone else encodes it, someone else takes care of coordinating the release and so on."

For TV releases? Not a chance. Any decent private torrent site has the TV releases seeding within three minutes of the credits rolling. The capper is the encoder and the someone else taking care of distribution coordination is a bot...

you seem confused on the distinction between the scene and P2P. pretimes have nothing to do with this. the torrent sites aren't the ones doing the capping, encoding, or releasing.

when you see on your torrent site that a show has a pre-time of three minutes, that's the time it took to grab the show from a scene FTP topsite, download it, make a torrent, and upload the .torrent file to whatever site you are using. when a torrent 'pres' is when the scene releases it. before the pretime, the torrent is encoded, rar'd and FTPd to a scene FTP dump.

the reason that split rar files are used is so that the scene uploader only has to upload the first chunk before they can claim credit and other groups can begin to download. if the release was uploaded all in one piece, it would have to be uploaded completely before anybody could start to download it. with split rars, other groups can have the file almost completely downloaded by the time it is completely uploaded.

From an old text file I have laying around:

   Scene groups are known as affils or affiliates
   when they release on a FTP site. When they release
   something..racers and traders start racing
   that release to other FTP sites at Gbit speeds
   using auto mated scripts.

   When they Release something on a ftp site it is
   known as to pred or a pre. pre means the
   release is ready to be raced to other ftp sites
   NOT torrent sites. Remember all scene groups
   hate torrents and do not want ANY of their stuff
   on torrent sites. If they see someone on their FTP
   sites releasing stuff on torrents, his ip gets
   banned and he gets NFOed sending a warning to
   other FTP sites to delete purge him and never to
   allow him anywhere near scene ever again.

That's a practice called segmenting. Some groups do it, some don't.

There used to be a group named NOsegmenT who were staunchly opposed to the practice and included a little diatribe against it in all of their NFOs.

Also bear in mind that some groups have (in the past, at least) had pre-air sources. LOL/DIMENSION, one of the most well-known TV groups, were called out on the practice of obtaining shows from a pre-air source then manually adding television station graphics a couple of years ago. They would "pre" their releases almost instantaneously after they finished airing.

The archives has to be assembled into one file with at least two encoding passes, is that even possible if you don't have the entire show captured?

I believe it's for non-torrent sharing methods such as NNTP (since you can't, I guess, upload hundreds of megabytes of data to a newsgroup in a single post).

This has nothing to do with NNTP, BT, P2P. All FXP to distributed FTP servers. The RARs are split so that if one server in the farm goes down, the whole release isn't corrupted. Same for transferring the data.

"Racers" move the els to multiple servers. Split RARs allow for multiple people to be moving parts of the same els at the same time.

Everything about the scene is for non-torrent sharing (atleast public / largescale distribution). The scene groups hate public torrent sites/users.

I don't think there are messages with more than 500k on NNTP, a single RAR file won't fit (so theoretically you could encode a 700M file in yenc).

That's why you use yenc. Personally, I believe it's to do with now bypassed limitations of parity programs.

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