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Everyone who complains about being "censored" never gives examples.

I'm trying to create a bot that joins my friends Telegram group and melds into the conversation as if it was a real person. A real person might be the most cute and fun enthusiastic person there is but sometimes it has bad days, or it tells inappropriate jokes, right? People are complicated. Not this bot! No matter what prompt I'm using (with the chat API) it won't lose the happy happy joy joy chatGPT attitude, won't tell inappropriate jokes, won't give advice on certain topics and in general won't talk like a real person, not because of technological limitations.. You can feel it when it's just nerfed.

Trying the same prompts that gave nerfed "I am just an AI I can't speculate about the future" bs on completion API gave somewhat better results, but most of the time they were flagged as breaking the guidelines which is a TOS breach if done enough times.

This can be solved other than open models. The same thing happened with stable diffusion. Good thing it's open so you can still use the pre-nerfed 1.6 models.

I know it might be edgy or unpopular but I don't think one entity should decide how we can use this powerful tool. No matter its implications and consequences.

FOS for the win.

You should look at the code for Sillytavern. It's capable of prompting GPT 3.5 to take on a character and act like a jerk.

Anyone who doesn't has never actually toyed with LLM and received, "As an AI language model I can't" in response to an innocuous request to, say, write a limerick about a politician or list the reasons why "username2 is stupid".

But mostly it has to do with the fact that LLM do what they've seen. And if they've been fine-tuned to not respond to some classes of things they'll misapply that to lots of other things. That's why most people go for the "uncensored" fine tuning datasets for the llamas even for completely sfw use cases.

porn it’s always porn

Or literally anything other than the psychotically smarmy tone of GPT-4 that's almost impossible to remove and constantly gives warnings, disclaimers and stops itself if veering even just 1 mm off the most boring status quo perspectives.

Lots of my favorite and frankly the best litterature in the world have elements that are obscene, grotesque, bizarre, gritty, erotic, frightening, alternative, provocative - but that's just too much for chat-gpt, instead it has this - in my eyes - way more horrifying smiling-borg-like nature with only two allowed emotions: "ultra happiness", and "ultra obedience to the status quo".

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