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Ah, so you have no clue what I said. Thanks for clarifying, makes it easy to dismiss your emotional outbursts as such.

Let me know if you figure out what my argument was, and maybe we can discuss, but it honestly seems out of your grasp at the present moment, given how focused you are on "winning Internet points".

So what did you say if not what I quoted? Why is it up to me to figure it out, just clarify for me? There's no emotion from me in fact I find this somewhat stimulating, otherwise I would've left long time ago, but I see the urge to dismiss me entirely as being emotional. I'm just a random internet stranger after all, and it's easier that way. Anyway it was fun, I wish you the best.

The fact that you can't even tell how emotionally invested you got here is probably the main takeaway from this conversation, for you.

You took what I said, that blindly trusting a random source on the Internet to the point of spending hours judiciously studying its contents is, to me, not a wise way to spend time, and continually interpreted a vastly more extreme and broad version with the clear intent to pick a fight.

If you can't see how you took this incredibly personally, that's going to be a major issue for you moving forward. You can't behave like this in the real world and expect positive outcomes.

This took a strange turn. How are your exact words, over several comments "interpreting vastly more extreme and broad version"?

Yes, I tend to remind people to be constructive, "be the change you want to see" and all. You resorting to ad hominem rather than staying on subject is the only emotion here, all the repetition is slightly annoying though, but no more than the buzz of a mosquito at night. Don't take yourself too seriously.

Anything else you need to get off your chest while you're at it?

For anything I said to have been an ad hominem I would have needed to disqualify your argument as a result of who you are. Considering what I've said here is that you misunderstand my argument, not that your interpretation is wrong because of some facet of yourself, it is therefore not an ad hominem.

Any evaluation of you on my part is in addition to you being wrong, not a logical cause of your wrongness. But I do appreciate the admission that you're not all that well educated, it does help me understand why this petty little disagreement means so much to you.

All that just to end with exactly your own definition of ad hominem. Congratulations, have a medal. If you're curious I AM uneducated, did you have a point?

There are no misunderstandings, I read (and quote) you literally. I've been patient and given you several chances to rephrase but you refuse and resort to this. What more can I do?

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