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It's a myth that it's illegal to yell fire in a crowded theatre, https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2012/11/its-tim...

It's not illegal to yell "fire", but you can bet you're getting charged for manslaughter if someone dies as a result.

This isn't far fetched, many people have gotten crushed or trampled in a panic and died as a result.

The CDC yelled "VACCINATE YOUNG PEOPLE" using fraudulent data.


I agree they should be charged with manslaughter for all the blood clots, heart disease and cancers they caused among young people.

You're going to have to do better than linking to a verified Twitter user if you want most people to take you seriously. Just the fact you get your news from Twitter makes me think you're just spouting what you heard in your echo chamber.

Twitter and Substack are the only places a post like this isn’t censored:


On Reddit/Facebook it just gets banned. I regularly read /r/Covid19 to see the fraudulent studies they push so I can counter them with my own studies. Like the Twitter guy says it’s their side that doesn’t want debate.

Your argument for this is that it isn't allowed on platforms that don't allow lies?

And Trump should be prosecuted for treason because he attempted to overthrow the government. Good luck making your case stick. :)

What about yelling bomb on an airplane

how is that information is useful even if it's true. it's not like you can walk away.

You can pray, which many people find useful. You might be able to phone home and say goodbye. There might be a bomb squad technician on the plane.

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