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It is on Mastodon as well, actually: https://mastodon.social/@ambv/110665808046065754

Could we get the mastodon link as the main link, please? Can actually view that one.

Is the Twitter link really not working for you at the moment? I can open it without having an account.

You can't see replies on Twitter links anymore, though that doesn't really matter in this particular case.

Of course, who knows what it'll be doing tomorrow. I'd definitely think it's probably time for HN to prefer Mastodon (or Threads, I suppose) links, where a post is available on multiple microblogging things; Twitter has had any one of about five behaviours for non-logged-in linked tweets (work properly, work but without replies, spin forever, redirect to login, generic error page) over the last week, depending on when you try.

The tweet is currently viewable while logged out. Have you tried?

Only thing I see is: "Something went wrong. Try reloading."

(Mastodon link works.)

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