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Looking at my local hardware store's app, the cheapest refrigerator that offers a water/ice dispenser costs $1048 (including discount, exluding tax/delivery/installation).

The "best seller" refrigerator goes for $1,500. Granted, that is probably more of "model we would most like to sell", but still gives some insight to what the store thinks a reasonable price point for a "typical" unit is.

Unlesd I set the app to sort by price, there are 20 non-sponsered units before one that is below $1k.

Sure, it is not the low end of the market but $1000 is well within the range of prices for refrigerators.

Okay, I forgot this was an American website and your fridges are the size of my kitchen. Water/ice dispenser, seriously... Meanwhile I bought mine 300€ and it's still going strong after five years.

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