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We're building a device to secure your most precious secrets. https://betrusted.io (project overview) and https://precursor.dev (details). It has the form factor of a screen-and-keyboard retro-phone.

Our hardware is simple and Open so it is easier to verify. There is no "hard CPU" (it is all FPGA based) so you don't have to trust anyone about what's executing your code. The entire system runs on a pure-Rust OS (Xous) which is an async message-passing microkernel, details at https://betrusted.io/xous-book/.

Out of the box it comes with U2F/FIDO2, a TOTP authenticator, and a password vault. It's one of the few U2F/FIDO2 tokens that you can make a backup of. As the system is fully open source, you can extend it with your own favorite apps.

Hi Bunnie! Totally unrelated to Precursor/Betrusted, but could you ever do a post-mortem for the Novena? I always liked the quirky form factor and the modularity of it (the Peek Array, the suggestion to use an eink screen if you're on a long trip with no chance to plug it in, etc). Do you think current projects like Framework and Pine64 could adapt/adopt some of the design principles you had in mind back then?

Betrusted looks great, I'll definitely be keeping an eye on it.

Xous looks really interesting too. I'm curious why you chose to build your own OS from scratch and not use something like Tock[0][1] which also happens to be pure Rust.

[0] https://tockos.org/

[1] https://github.com/tock/tock

Cool! I'd considered buying something like this, but for personal journaling.

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