> Does not being able to use violence any time you choose have a chilling effect on using it when it is legally justified?
It can, as can literally any law when you're brushing up into the boundaries of a gray area.
The principal question is:
"Do we want to live in a society where violence is usually allowed?" - Definitely not.
"Do we want to live in a society where recording people without their consent is usually allowed?" - Maybe? Depends on who you ask. Unlike violence, our social mores consider this almost entirely to be a gray area.
No, we want the state to allow some types of violence (e.g. boxing matches) but prohibit even the state from other types of violence like torture even from the state.
That’s not even true, though. Captains of commercial ships have always had the authority to put people in the brig. And that’s not even including putting Elon and Zuck in a cage together.
Elon/Zuck entering a physical cage with consent and able to leave is not "caging". Like calling waterboarding legal because surfers use a board on water.
Brig detainment is a state sanctioned and regulated method to hand over someone to the state in transit back to authorities. They're not allowed to detain people as punishment
So violence is okay as long as enough people voted for it? A reminder that Hitler was democratically elected; there's a reason the US is formally a Republic.
> So violence is okay as long as enough people voted for it?
Sure, how else would you stop a violent threat to society? Say, a chap who starts shooting up a mall? Or a foreign invader?
I mean, if you're an unconditional pacifist, who believes that violence should never be used, even in response to violence, I can understand that position, even if I don't agree with it. But it doesn't sound like you are.
It can, as can literally any law when you're brushing up into the boundaries of a gray area.
The principal question is:
"Do we want to live in a society where violence is usually allowed?" - Definitely not.
"Do we want to live in a society where recording people without their consent is usually allowed?" - Maybe? Depends on who you ask. Unlike violence, our social mores consider this almost entirely to be a gray area.