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Lot's of random stuff from tools, to troubleshooting, to how-tos to random essays mostly with a philosophical bent I guess

- Tool: Indexed Book Note Taking https://blog.robertsimoes.org/posts/tool-indexed-book-note-t...

- Notes: How Dropbox scaled 2007 to 2023 https://blog.robertsimoes.org/posts/notes-how-dropbox-scaled...

- Social Network Behaviour and Taxation Strategies https://blog.robertsimoes.org/posts/social-network-behaviour...

- Four wings of a Software engineer: https://blog.robertsimoes.org/posts/four-wings-of-software-e...

- Return on Intelligence: Transhumanism, Stagnation or Bureaucracy? https://blog.robertsimoes.org/perspectives/on-return-on-inte...

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