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You missed the key statement in the commenter's post:

"If that's a requirement just say so"

Clearly the roles they're applying for are not concerned with the ab initio design of large-scale systems. Which is why they said what they said. They're not whining for the sake of whining.

Your experience writing Linux kernel code and device drivers obviously isn't a substitute for understanding these large scale system design questions.

A drop-in substitute, no. But an engineer who has the wherewithal to truly master the grisly low-level stuff can easily ramp up reasonably quickly in the large scale stuff as well, if needed. To not understand this is to not understand what makes good engineers tick.

We get the fact that, yeah, sometimes, for certain roles a certain level of battle-tested skills are needed in any domain. Nonetheless, there's an epidemic of overtesting (from everything to algorithms, to system design, to "culture fit") coursing through the industry's veins at present. Combined with a curious (and sometimes outright bizarre) inability of these companies to think about what's truly required for the roles -- and to explain in simple, plain English terms what these requirements are in the job description, and to design the interview process accordingly.

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