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I write about affordable access to internet with a focus on Africa. Some recent-ish posts I am proud of:

* A Game of Stones - https://manypossibilities.net/2023/01/a-game-of-stones/ - rethinking telecom regulation

* A Penny Black Broadband Strategy - https://manypossibilities.net/2021/03/a-penny-black-broadban... - democratising access to backhaul

* The 5G Fugazi - https://manypossibilities.net/2020/05/the-5g-fugazi/ - dismantling 5G hype

* Annual review of African telecom infrastructure development - https://manypossibilities.net/series/africa-telecom-infrastr...

This is pretty cool, I'm a big fan of the fiber map of Africa - https://afterfibre.nsrc.org/

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