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Mostly about UI design and IT management (management sounds boring I know but I hope they're useful articles. Good, I think, for us who are managers here -- and us who are managed!)

It's a new site. Some of my favorites so far:

- https://daveon.design/what-are-you-optimising-for.html - How managers ask for something and get something else, but think they're doing a good job

- https://daveon.design/creating-joy-in-the-user-experience.ht... - UX design often looks lovely, but what is it missing? Joy.

- https://daveon.design/metrics-and-mistakes.html - on measuring things... and poetry.

I'm particularly happy with the design of the site: I'd love to hear what readers think of the layout and typography. My CSS style is called 'manuscript' and it's very inspired by older book and manuscript look and feel.

There is zero Javascript and ZERO cookies or tracking. None at all.

RSS and Atom: https://daveon.design/rss.xml and https://daveon.design/atom.xml

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